Zach Bush, MD Re-frames the COVID-19 Crisis in a Scientific Environmental Context – with index to sections

I felt this video is so important I created this way to watch segments of it easily. However I sincerely hope that watching any part of this video will inspire you to watch the rest. He does refer to things he mentioned in prior sections, directly and indirectly!

Zach’s insights and scientific understandings shed light on how critical it is for humanity to raise it’s collective consciousness so that we start using cutting edge, holistic approaches to farming and our health. When we expand our collective identifications to include our natural eco-systems, we will do the right thing!

Zach has been studying the micro-biome, of our planet’s soils and our digestive gut, for many years. He outlines how one directly affects the other! As we have poisoned our ecosystem, we are literally poisoning our own essential internal eco-systems of friendly bacteria, reducing their diversity in lock step with that of the soil in which our food grows. This bio-diversity of our friendly bacteria is essential to our immune system function.

To use the index, scroll this page until the video is at the top of your screen. Then scroll the text area beneath the video to find the sections you want to watch first and click on the associated link.

2 Replies to “Zach Bush, MD Re-frames the COVID-19 Crisis in a Scientific Environmental Context – with index to sections”

  1. Another perspective on Dr. Bush. He tries to sell an autism cure for $50/month to desperate parents. How much of that is profit??? According to the Atlantic, his company “did not respond to multiple requests for comment.” Is this a source of scientific information you really want to trust? My personal policy is never to accept as a source of information a person who has financial skin in the game. Dr. Bush fails that test, so I won’t watch his video. Obviously, there are many other things one could do to try to gauge the usefulness of a source, but mine is much easier than, for example, tracking down someone’s references in responsible journals. Since David is my brother, I looked briefly for those as well, but found nothing.

  2. I really appreciate Becky engaging me with her skepticism! Some of you got to this web page because I sent out an email to a large number of people about this interview, before this page had been created. For some of that large number, I sent a follow-up email with this link, to help them watch just shorter sections. I still got almost no response from anyone, positive or negative. I don’t like to assume anything, but when I do in this kind of situation I prefer to assume the best case scenario: they still didn’t find the time to watch so no reply was yet needed.

    There are many ways, as Becky points out, to discern who to trust. I don’t trust anyone has the absolute truth. Absolute truth as described in language is impossible! But some ideas help to reduce suffering and I do my best to discern those for myself and others.

    I like watching videos my close trusted friends and family send me, to see why they were so excited at least and communicate with them about it afterwards. It’s a social opportunity, if not one that will inform what I believe. In this case, my dear friend Peter sent me this one. He has a long life of studying just about all areas of science, health, yoga from many different cultures and disciplines! He has a steel trap memory for much of it, which amazes me. He is also, by my reckoning, spiritually advanced. He, too, rarely reacts with anger with anything that I say to him on our weekly co-counseling sessions. I can share anything with him and visa-versa. Whenever I ask him if he is willing to hear my feedback / advice on something he has shared, he fearlessly says, “I always want to hear what you are thinking” or something like that. Our commitment to each other is pretty deep!

    I never fault anyone for anything. I know people do what they do in ways that are as integral to who they are as are their physical bodies. They are neither of their actions, nor the bodies with which they take them! So if you are reading this comment a long time after receiving my excited recommendation, thanks, and no worries for the delay, it’s all good!

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