
From the Center for Transformational Practice in White River Jct, VT

I’m retired, meaning I no longer actively seek to engage with others in a manifest way. My practice is therefore less distracted by worldly goals and roles! I leave this page and indeed, the whole website as a historical record and hope that it will inspire you to practice without further significant edits from me! June 1, 2021.

Everything I do is to raise my consciousness and support others to do the same. Because the quality of our manifest world is directly related to the level of collective consciousness. In fact, many believe as I do that the survival of our civilization is at stake!

We have the tools and technologies in our hands with which we can make this world a paradise, or turn it into a living hell, or obliterate it altogether because of our own capabilities. In other words, we have reached a point where if we do not raise human consciousness, our intelligence and capability is going to work against us. We are racing rapidly towards self-sabotage.

Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev)

What is the context I see that inspires this mission? Read on for an overview of why I think Sadhguru is right about us “racing rapidly towards self-sabotage.”

Destructive and Dangerous Trends

I’m concerned about three exponentially growing trends on this planet. The first two are inherently destructive of our natural world and our communities: Human population growth [*] and economic growth (the amount of money we owe to each other). The third engenders so much power that if not used properly, it could also destroy our civilization: technological advancement.

Spiritual Activisim: Practice for the benefit of All

Thank God that trends toward peace are also self-reinforcing and I believe are also growing exponentially! This website and my work is designed to support those treads. As this page is being written, I am launching a movement to create a weekly meditation group in every neighborhood!

Footnote about population growth

As I wrote this page and read the references I linked above, I see that technically human population growth is no longer exponential. It has been, but recently the growth rate is going down so while our population continues to expand, it is more linear. This is somewhat hopeful, but the number of people already far exceeds what the planet can provide for, especially as more and more people aspire to have the comforts and conveniences of the modern western lifestyle. When this is combined with the other trends I cite (which are still growing exponentially), this slowing of population growth is not sufficient in-of-itself to stop the environmental destruction we are experiencing.