Daily On-line Group Meditation

This practice is no longer taking place. If you are interested in a future version of daily group practice please contact me!

Yesterday I led my first reiki enhanced group meditation session for three people and I’m excited to do more. Since I practice sitting meditation every morning anyway, I’ve decided to try inviting everyone to join me on zoom!

Starting Saturday April 4, I will be on a publicly open zoom meeting starting at 7:00am EST every day. I will be offering distance reiki to anyone that joins the call right at 7:00am (or a bit early is okay, I’ve enabled the waiting room feature) and lets me know that preference. People are welcome to enter silently at any time, but once I’ve started to meditate I’ll assume new people to the session prefer not to receive reiki consciously from me that morning. I’ll be done with my 30 minute meditation before 7:45am, but people are welcome to silently leave the session earlier than that.

If you intend to join for less than the full time that I will be practicing, please set your own timer or track it yourself by peeking at your time piece from time to time as needed. I always recommend that you decide the duration of each practice at the beginning and then stick to that intention regardless of the quality of your experience! Allowing ourselves to end a meditation session early is problematic. It means that any moment during our practice we could be discerning / judging if we want to “give up” on the practice! This decision making process is not particularly meditative. So please drop in on me as you wish, but heed my advice so you do not sabotage your practice with uncertainty and lack of devotion.

The meeting information below allows for joining via a telephone. This is fine if you wish, but know that the practice will normally be in silence, except for any greetings before and afterwards. If you wish to receive reiki and David might have trouble remembering who you are (he is actually basically face blind so this could be possible for people that would not expect it to be an issue) please join the meeting through video on your phone or computer. That will allow him to make a better connection to you for the treatment to be sent.

These sessions are not classes. If you wish to receive instruction and/or inspiration, please check my MeetUp group first, then if none of the scheduled classes work for you, schedule a class with me. Next week (4/6-4/10) I’m devoting lots of time to teaching!

David Kano is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Daily Group Meditation with David
Time: Apr 5, 2020 07:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every day, until Apr 10, 2020, 6 occurrence(s)
I’ll continue after the 10th if it is well received, stay tuned!

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Daily: https://us04web.zoom.us/meeting/u5Eqde-qrTIuyVrG7y96UCrK-Byq8hLBNw/ics?icsToken=98tyKu-tqTksGNectFyCd7ctE8H8bM_Il2h4uIQKhUazNgNBSU7UL_MaOp5dPs-B

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 657 262 394
Password: 467756

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Meeting ID: 657 262 394
Password: 467756
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Coloring Meditation for Kids of All Ages

I’ve led kids in many forms of moving meditation in recent years. The one that was best received by most of them was coloring. You simply start with a blank sheet of paper and draw a scribble on it to create spaces to fill. Then while you color you do your best to keep your mind on the current moment, coloring in the spaces and following your breath. I usually set the rule that no space can be colored the same as an adjacent space, but that’s really up to the person doing the coloring.

Now I’ve created a simple resource to take this practice to the next level. The idea is to record each time you become aware that you are having a thought about the past or future. That way you can see how you improve from session to session and even within each session if you use the optional suggestions in the included instruction sheet. To give this a try, print the a copy of the second page of the Coloring Meditation document for each person/session.

I’ve also created a YouTube video that describes how to use this tool.

Here is a sample I made by practicing for 5 minutes, also featured in the video.